Online Users:
Server Time:
Your Time:
  1. Swearing/disrespecting any member of the Admin/GM staff will be punished accordingly:
    • First warning: 30 days account suspension.
    • Second warning: Permanent banned.
  2. 2.1 Rude behaviour towards the Admins/GMs (such as but not limited to: Disturbing Admin/GMs at events, displaced jokes, annoying language, refusing trade from any Admin/GMs) will be punished as follows:

    • First warning: 1-20 days account suspension. (depends on the decision of the Admin/GM)
    • Second warning: Permanent banned.

    2.2 You are obligated to collaborate with the Admins/GMs to show any items if you are requested to, or any other situation. If you’re being asked to give your game items or password - this is not an Administrator. Admin staff do not require such valuables.

    2.3 If you are dissatisfied with any of the team members, you are required to have a conversation with the GM in order to solve the issue. If the issue is unresolved otherwise, please file a complaint.

    2.4 Administration may shut down, reboot or modify the server without any notice except for planned Server Maintenances.

    Administration is doing everything in their power to keep the server running. However, to improve and modify our server, it can sometimes require reboot or temporary shutdown. Nevertheless, we will inform you about planned maintenances on the website or forum

    Administration does not return any missing characters or game items. We won't change your account passwords nor make rollbacks in case you are robbed or allegedly robbed. It is your responsibility to protect your property and characters. Account sharing is highly prohibited. Beware of scams!


    Using any kind of cheats/third-party programs are strictly forbidden!

    It is not allowed to use 3rd party software to alter the gameplay. Each player is required to report serious errors immediately to the Administration. A player is not allowed to knowingly take advantage of bugs. If you notice that a player is abusing a bug in the game you must report him. You are encouraged to do so for the improvement of the game.

    Any player caught using any cheat programs (1-hit kill, auto-combo/auto-pots, etc) will be punished with:

    • IP BAN!
    • Permanent ban!

    3.1 Exploiting any bugs is strictly forbidden! With or without third-party programs, exploiting any bug is forbidden, if a player is caught doing such exploitation, punishment will be as follows:

    • IP BAN!
    • Permanent ban!
  4. PK (Player Kill)


    We recommend all NEWBIES to do their leveling at SERVER 2 for the reason that it is a Non-PK server.

  5. Advertising other servers

    Any form of advertisement/endorsement of any kind of other game project is highly prohibited. Doing so will result to:

    • IP BAN!
    • Permanent ban!
  6. Scam/Blackmail/Item loss

    Any scam/blackmail attempt on any other player is strictly forbidden and will be drastically punished.

    We are not responsible for any stolen items, or "hacked" accounts. You are responsible for your account privacy and details, password or username. Do not share your password or username to anyone, Admin/GMs, or any other player.

    Sharing or trading items ingame resulting in item loss is not our responsibility. We won't use our authority to find that item. Item loss through means of sharing or trading won't be refunded. Please be cautious in giving your items. Protect your items exactly the same as protecting your accounts.

    Loosing Accounts/Items via means of account selling will not be tolerated, both parties will be held accountable for. Buy at your own costs, the management won't do any actions for this is a players error.

    In order to prove any of the scam/blackmail cases, please provide us with the full transcript of the conversation along with a printed/screen-shots/video capture.

    • First warning: 30 days account suspension.
    • Second warning: Permanent banned.
  7. Donation:

    MuOnline strives to provide free quality games via the Site and Service. Users may donate in-game items to fully enjoy the Service, however, Users doesn't have any authority over those charged Items, all items or valuables ingame belongs to the server itself. Before subscribing the donation packages, MuOnline recommends you to review their Terms of Service carefully. MuOnline is not affiliated with any PaymentWall. If any payment is reversed, cancelled or charged back, your Account with us may be immediately suspended without notice or further be terminated if found fraud.

    Donations means helping the server in any particulars to obtain a better game play .

  8. This is a PRIVATE SERVER. We reserve all the rights to apply any RULES and to change them when we feel free to do so. Choosing to play on our server obligates you to read and accept our Rules and to agree with them.

    Note! Those violator's valuables will be subject to be raffled for our loyal and fair players.