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× Note! Subjects to change without prior notice. Stay updated.

Use Chaos Machine(Goblin) Regular Combination

    Steel Accessories

    Create Item Materials Rate Remarks
    Steel Pendant/Ring 2 Saint Pendants + 2 ArchDemon Pendants + 4 Saint Rings + 4 ArchDemon Rings + 20 Jewel of Chaos[Black] + 10 Garnet Gem 20% max rate (VIP GOLD) 1 Random Steel Pendant/Ring


    Create Item Materials Rate Remarks
    Earring of Avarice/Greed 16 Earrings of Sham + 10 Jewel of Chaos[Black] + 5 Garnet Gem 15% max rate (VIP GOLD) 1 Random Earring of Avarice or Greed

    Apocalypse Weapons & Materials

    Create Item Materials Rate Remarks
    Apocalypse Sword,Dagger,Mace & Lance 1 Saint Sword + 1 ArchDemon Sword + 1 Garnet Gem + 3 Jewel of Chaos Black + 1 Archangels Hammer 25% max rate (VIP GOLD) 1 Random Apocalypse Sword,Dagger,Mace & Lance
    Apocalypse Blade 1 Saint Blade + 1 ArchDemon Blade + 1 Garnet Gem + 3 Jewel of Chaos Black + 1 Archangels Hammer 25% max rate (VIP GOLD) 1 Apocalypse Blade
    Apocalypse Claws 1 Saint Claws + 1 ArchDemon Claws + 1 Garnet Gem + 3 Jewel of Chaos Black + 1 Archangels Hammer 25% max rate (VIP GOLD) 1 Apocalypse Claw
    Apocalypse Scepter 1 Saint Scepter + 1 ArchDemon Scepter + 1 Garnet Gem + 3 Jewel of Chaos Black + 1 Archangels Hammer 25% max rate (VIP GOLD) 1 Apocalypse Scepter
    Apocalypse Bow / Quiver 1 Saint Bow + 1 ArchDemon Bow + 1 Garnet Gem + 3 Jewel of Chaos Black + 1 Archangels Hammer 25% max rate (VIP GOLD) 1 Apocalypse Bow or Quiver
    Apocalypse Staff 1 Saint Staff + 1 ArchDemon Staff + 1 Garnet Gem + 3 Jewel of Chaos Black + 1 Archangels Hammer 25% max rate (VIP GOLD) 1 Apocalypse Staff
    Apocalypse Stick - Book 1 Saint Stick + 1 ArchDemon Stick + 1 Garnet Gem + 3 Jewel of Chaos Black + 1 Archangels Hammer 25% max rate (VIP GOLD) 1 Random Apocalypse Stick or Book
    Apocalypse Shield 1 Saint Shield + 1 ArchDemon Shield + 1 Garnet Gem + 3 Jewel of Chaos Black + 1 Archangels Hammer 25% max rate (VIP GOLD) 1 Apocalypse Shield

    Garnet Gem - - Boss Lava Monk Drop only
    Jewel of Chaos [Black] 4x Jewel of Chaos 255 + 4x Jewel of Creation 255 + 4x Jewel of Bless 255 + 4x Jewel of Soul 255 + 4x Jewel of Guardian 255 + 4x Jewel of Harmony 255 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) 1 Jewel of Chaos [Black]
    Archangels Hammer 1 Blessed Divine Weapon (per Category) + 1 Brilliant Weapon (per Category) + 2 Jewel of Chaos [Black] 40% max rate (VIP GOLD) e.g : 1 Blessed Divine Sword + 1 Brilliant Weapon + 2 Jewel of Chaos [Black]

    Demi-God Level Combination

    Create Item Materials Rate Remarks
    Amity/Crimson/Stealth Helm 3 Saint/ArchDemon Helm + 1,020 Jewel of Chaos(x4 255 bundle) + 1,020 Jewel of Creation(x4 255 bundle) + 2,040 Jewel of Bless(x8 255 bundle) 30% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Amity/Crimson/Stealth Armor 3 Saint/ArchDemon Armor + 1,020 Jewel of Chaos(x4 255 bundle) + 1,020 Jewel of Creation(x4 255 bundle) + 2,040 Jewel of Soul(x8 255 bundle) 30% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Amity/Crimson/Stealth Pants 3 Saint/ArchDemon Pants + 1,020 Jewel of Chaos(x4 255 bundle) + 1,020 Jewel of Creation(x4 255 bundle) + 2,040 Jewel of Harmony(x8 255 bundle) 30% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Amity/Crimson/Stealth Gloves 3 Saint/ArchDemon Gloves + 1,020 Jewel of Chaos(x4 255 bundle) + 1,020 Jewel of Creation(x4 255 bundle) + 2,040 Jewel of Guardian(x8 255 bundle) 30% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Amity/Crimson/Stealth Boots 3 Saint/ArchDemon Boots + 1,020 Jewel of Chaos(x4 255 bundle) + 1,020 Jewel of Creation(x4 255 bundle) + 2,040 Jewel of Life(x8 255 bundle) 30% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Pixie, King, Ninja (Pets) 3 Santa Pet + 3 Pumpkin Pet + 3 Pet Dragon[Celestial] + 3 Pet Dragon[Demonic] + 3 Pirate Pet + 1,020 Jewel of Chaos(x4 255 bundle) + 1,020 Jewel of Creation(x4 255 bundle) + 2,040 Jewel of Guardian(x8 255 bundle) 30% max rate (VIP GOLD) Random Pixie, King, Ninja (Pets)
    Cursed, Crimson, Stealth Wings (1 Saint Wing + 1 Saint Cape or 1 ArchDemon Wing + 1 ArchDemon Cape) + 1,020 Jewel of Chaos(x4 255 bundle) + 1,020 Jewel of Creation(x4 255 bundle) + 765 Jewel of Bless(x3 255 bundle) + 765 Jewel of Soul(x3 255 bundle) 30% max rate (VIP GOLD) Random Cursed, Crimson, Stealth Wings

    Saint/ArchDemon Combination

    Create Item Materials Rate Remarks
    Bundle Harmony (30) 1 Bundle Gemstone(30) + 1 Bundle Chaos(10) 80% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Saint/ArchDemon Shield 1 BA Shield + 1 DA Shield + 1 HA Shield + 1 AS Shield + 1 BS Shield + 1 SH Shield + 1 MANTI Shield + 1 BRILL Shied 50% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Saint Feather 1 Bundle Chaos(30) + 5 Bundle Bless(30) + 5 Bundle Harmony(30) + 5 Bundle Creation(30) 50% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    ArchDemon Feather 1 Bundle Chaos(30) + 5 Bundle Soul(30) + 5 Bundle Harmony(30) + 5 Bundle Guardian(30) 50% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Brilliant Soul 1 of each Premium Boxes + 3 Bundle Creation(30) + 3 Bundle Chaos(30) 50% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Steel of Heaven 2 Bundle Chaos(30) + 2 Bundle Harmony(30) + 2 Bundle Creation(30) 50% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Celestial or Demonic Parts 3 Brilliant Parts + 1 Brilliant Soul + 10 Bundle Harmony(30) 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Availabe in NPC
    ArchDemon Helm 5 Demonic Helm per class + 5 Bundle Chaos(30) + 1 ArchDemon Feather 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    ArchDemon Armor 5 Demonic Armor per class + 5 Bundle Harmony(30) + 1 ArchDemon Feather 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    ArchDemon Pants 5 Demonic Pants per class + 5 Bundle Creation(30) + 1 ArchDemon Feather 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    ArchDemon Gloves 5 Demonic Gloves per class + 5 Bundle Guardian(30) + 1 ArchDemon Feather 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    ArchDemon Boots 5 Demonic Boots per class + 5 Bundle Life(30) + 1 ArchDemon Feather 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    Saint Helm 5 Celestial Helm per class + 5 Bundle Chaos(30) + 1 Saint Feather 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    Saint Armor 5 Celestial Armor per class + 5 Bundle Harmony(30) + 1 Saint Feather 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    Saint Pants 5 Celestial Pants per class + 5 Bundle Creation(30) + 1 Saint Feather 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    Saint Gloves 5 Celestial Gloves per class + 5 Bundle Guardian(30) + 1 Saint Feather 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    Saint Boots 5 Celestial Boots per class + 5 Bundle Life(30) + 1 Saint Feather 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    Brilliant Weapons 2 Manticore Weapons class equivalent + 3 Bundle Bless(30) + 3 Bundle Soul(30) + 3 Bundle Chaos(30) 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    Saint Weapons 3 Brilliant Weapons class equivalent + 5 Bundle Harmony(30) + 1 Steel of Heaven 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    ArchDemon Weapons 3 Brilliant Weapons class equivalent + 5 Bundle Guardian(30) + 1 Steel of Heaven 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Required item will be class-based result
    ArchDemon or Saint Wings/Cape Celestial or Demonic Wings + 2 Fragment of Resurrection + 5 Condor Feather + 4 Bundle Harmony(30) + 4 Bundle Guardian(30) 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Random ArchDemon or Saint Wings/Cape reward
    ArchDemon or Saint Pendant 1 of each Premium Pendant + 21 Bundle Harmony(30) + 5 Bundle Chaos(30) 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Random ArchDemon or Saint Pendant reward
    ArchDemon or Saint Ring 1 of each Premium Ring + 21 Bundle Soul(30) + 5 Bundle Creation(30) 50% max rate (VIP GOLD) Random ArchDemon or Saint Ring reward

    Mount Upgrade

    Create Item Materials Rate Video Links
    Random Black/Blue/Gold Horn of Fenrir 5 Red Horn of Fenrir + 6 Bundle Creation(30) + 6 Bundle Chaos(30) 100% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Ghost Horse or Ice Dragon 6 Black/Blue/Gold fenrir(+15) + 8 Bundle Harmony 80% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Ghost Horse[Red] 5 Ghost Horse + 6 Bundle Creation(30) + 6 Bundle Chaos(30) 75% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Fire Dragon 5 Ice Dragon + 6 Bundle Creation(30) + 6 Bundle Chaos(30) 75% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Ghost Horse[Black] 5 Ghost Horse[Red] + 6 Bundle Creation(30) + 6 Bundle Chaos(30) 60% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Steel Dragon 5 Fire Dragon + 6 Bundle Creation(30) + 6 Bundle Chaos(30) 60% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    Saint Horse 6 Ghost Horse[Black] + Jewel of Chaos(255) + Jewel of Creation(255) + Jewel of Harmony(255) + Jewel of Bless(255) + Jewel of Soul(255) + Jewel of Guardian(255) 30% max rate (VIP GOLD)
    ArchDemon Horse 6 Steel Dragon + Jewel of Chaos(255) + Jewel of Creation(255) + Jewel of Harmony(255) + Jewel of Bless(255) + Jewel of Soul(255) + Jewel of Guardian(255) 30% max rate (VIP GOLD)

Click "Flag Number(#)" to show the image.

Flag Jewel can only be obtained from Gaion Kharein.

    Flag Number Plus Flag Jewel Equals Flag Number
    Flag Number 1 + 1 = Flag Number 2
    Flag Number 2 + 3 = Flag Number 3
    Flag Number 3 + 5 = Flag Number 4
    Flag Number 4 + 10 = Flag Number 5
Note! Only ONE(1) Flag to be choosen per Flag Number(#). To upgrade, kindly pm our page or contact any GMs or Admin ingame.

Note! Corresponding Flag Jewels, WcoinC and WcoinP will be deducted based on the choosen Flag.

    KUBERA MINE Sentinel Emblem(255) + 5,000 WcoinP -- Map Window (Press "M") -- 1 Hour
    BOSS BATTLE Jewel of Harmony(100) + 10,000 WcoinP 100 Grand Resets Gate Keeper(NPC) Lorencia: 128,142 VIP-Gold 10 Mins.
    GRAND RESET MAP Jewel of Creation(510) + Jewel of Guardian(510)+ Jewel of Harmony(510)+ Jewel of Chaos(510) -- Ashkan NPC Lorencia: 130,118 -- 10 Mins.

    Magda Battle Royal Event Lorencia 130, 127 --
    Stone Statue Team vs Team Event Lorencia 130, 121 --
    Nixie Spirit Donator Map Entrace Lorencia 130, 134 Need Ancient Gem to enter
    [Event]Guild vs Guild Guild vs Guild Event Lorencia 130, 137 Every Friday 9:00PM
    Gate Keeper Boss Battle Entrance Lorencia 128, 144 Refer to Map Requirements
    Ashkan Grand Reset Map Entrance Lorencia 130, 118 Refer to Map Requirements
    Adniel Special Buff Quest Noria 170, 110 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    Deruvish Jewel of Case Quest Gray Aida (Donator Map) 114, 32 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    Deruvish Jewel of Case Quest Land of Trials 62, 22 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    PET BOX EXCHANGER Premium Box Exchanger Land of Trials 57, 23 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    ACC BOX EXCHANGER Premium Box Exchanger Land of Trials 57, 25 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    MOUNT BOX EXCHANGER Premium Box Exchanger Land of Trials 57, 27 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    GEAR BOX EXCHANGER Premium Box Exchanger Land of Trials 57, 29 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    WEAPON BOX EXCHANGER Premium Box Exchanger Land of Trials 57, 31 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    WING BOX EXCHANGER Premium Box Exchanger Land of Trials 57, 33 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    Void Shining Treasure Chest Quest Castle Throne Room 163, 214 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    CELESTIAL BOX EXCHANGER Celestial Box Quest Atlans 16, 22 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    [Mount Exchanger] Cyr Mount Quest Land of Trials 57, 76 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    WcoinP Exchanger Marco WcoinP Quest Tarkan 177, 35 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    Carol Christmas Trade Event Devias 234, 66 Click NPC to view quest requirements
    Lucas the Master Free CS Gears Crywolf 223, 42 Appears every Castle Siege

    Class Skill #1 Skill #2 Skill #3
    Dark Knight/Blade Master Weapon Skill Rageful Blow/Strike of Destruction Twisting Slash
    Dark Wizard/Grand Master Lance Decay Ice Storm
    Fairy Elf/High Elf Starfall Ice Arrow Multi Shot
    Magic Gladiator/Dual Master Power Slash Flame Strike Twisting Slash
    Dark Lord/Lord Emperor Force Wave Electric Spike Fire Scream
    Summoner/Dimension Master Chain Lightning Ice Drain Life
    Rage Fighter/Fist Master Dark Side Chain Drive Dragon Roar
    × Note!Click below button to get the combo timings. Adjust playback speed to your desired settings, have fun!

Refer this to our Side Quest :

Note: Every Grand Reset = Additional 100 HP

    100 1 Pirate Set + Manticore Weapons/Shield
    500 Silverheart Accessories
    1000 2 Ghost Horse[Red]
    2000 1 Saint Weapon
    3000 20k WcoinP
    4000 2 Fire Dragon
    5000 3 Santa Pet
    6000 3 Pumpkin Pet
    7000 50k WcoinP
    8000 3 Pet Dragon[Celestial]
    9000 1 Saint Pendant
    10000 3 Pet Dragon[Demonic]
    11000 3 GH RED + 3 Fire Dragon
    12000 3 Pirate Pet
    13000 2 Saint Ring
    14000 1 Saint Boots
    15000 1 Saint Gloves
    16000 1 Saint Helm
    17000 1 Saint Armor
    18000 1 Saint Pants
    19000 1 Saint Wing
    20000 1 Saint Shield
× Note! To claim the rewards just simply open our Side Quest or kindly pm our page or contact any GMs or Admin ingame.


    INVASIONS Press H to check invasion time Refer to the invasion guide
    RESETS Use /reset auto 10 WcoinC
    Jewel of Bless Sell to NPC 2 WcoinC each
    Jewel of Soul Sell to NPC 2 WcoinC each
    Jewel of Chaos Sell to NPC 10 WcoinC each
    Jewel of Creation Sell to NPC 5 WcoinC each
    Custom Quiz /resp to answer 1,000 WcoinC
    Online Lottery Random online character within Lorencia 5,000 WcoinC
    Fera Knight Monster Lost tower 1 and Arena respawn 10 WcoinC
    Blood Castle Kill all monsters 5 WcoinC per monster
    Doppleganger Kill all monsters 200 WcoinC per monster


    WcoinP Coin Collect WcoinP Cpoin at LOT and exchange to Tarkan NPC 50 WcoinP
    GRAND RESET Covert 100 Resets to Grand Resets 10 WcoinP per Grand Reset
    /wcctowcp Command use to convert 1M WcoinC to 500 WcoinP 500 WcoinP
    Online reward Reward given during your accummulated hour in game. 2 WcoinP per hour
    Amun-ra Kill Amun-ra and his minions (Scotch Canyon). 500 WcoinP

    /change Upgrade Character Class (x2)
    /post Global message
    /addstr Add Points to Strength
    /addagi Add Points to Agility
    /addene Add Points to Energy
    /addcmd Add Points to Command
    /addvit Add Points to Vitality
    /money Adds zen
    /ware Change vaults
    /openware Open vaults anywhere
    /pkclear Clear pk status
    /clearinv Clear all items in inventory
    /reset Reset character level
    /reset auto Reset character level automatically
    /bundle Bundle Jewels instantly.
    /unbundle Unbundle Jewels instantly.
    /wcctowcp Convert 1M WcoinC to 500 WcoinP [Hot].

    Skeleton King 12:05 AM/PM, 04:05 AM/PM, 08:05 AM/PM Lorencia, Noria (Random Coor) 1000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    Red Dragon 12:15 AM/PM, 04:15 AM/PM, 08:15 AM/PM Lorencia, Noria, Devias (Random Coor) 1000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    Golden Invasion 12:25 AM/PM, 04:25 AM/PM, 08:25 AM/PM Lorencia, Noria, Devias, Tarkan, Dungeon, Kanturu, Raklion, Aida, Atlans, Lost tower (Random Coor) 1000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    White Wizard 12:50 AM/PM, 04:50 AM/PM, 08:50 AM/PM Lorencia, Noria, Devias (Random Coor) 1000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    New Year 02:05 AM/PM, 06:05 AM/PM, 10:05 AM/PM Kanturu, Raklion, Aida, Atlans, Lost tower, Tarkan,(Random Coor) 1000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    Rabbits 02:15 AM/PM, 06:15 AM/PM, 10:15 AM/PM Kanturu, Raklion, Aida, Atlans, Lost tower, Tarkan,(Random Coor) 1000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    Summer 02:25 AM/PM, 06:25 AM/PM, 10:25 AM/PM Kanturu, Raklion, Aida, Atlans, Lost tower, Tarkan,(Random Coor) 1000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    Christmas 02:50 AM/PM, 06:50 AM/PM, 10:50 AM/PM Lorencia, Noria, Devias (Random Coor) 1000 WcoinC & Random Jewels + Buff
    Medusa 01:00 AM/PM, 05:00 AM/PM, 09:00 AM/PM Swamp of Calmness (Random Coor) 1000 WcoinC & Random Dark Angel items
    Devias King 07:00 AM/PM Devias (Coor: 221, 84) 50,000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    Lorencia King 07:30 AM/PM Lorencia (Coor: 131, 189) 50,000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    Noria King 09:00 AM/PM Noria (Coor: 155, 140) 50,000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    Elbeland King 09:30 AM/PM Elbeland (Coor: 98, 164) 50,000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    Atlans King 11:00 AM/PM Atlans (Coor: 67, 28) 50,000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    Icarus King 11:30 AM/PM Icarus (Coor: 56, 31) 50,000 WcoinC & Random Jewels
    Kundun 01:30 AM/PM Lorencia Square 50,000 WcoinC & Random Items

    Custom Jewel Description Rate
    Jewel of Level Add item level from +9 up to +13 70%
    Jewel of Skill Add skill to all weapons, including shields 100%
    Jewel of Luck Add luck options to all items. 100%
    Jewel of Additional Add additional defense/damage option to all items 100%
    Jewel of Excellent Add full excellent option on all items. 70%
    Jewel of Socket Add 1 socket slot to all items with socketed type. 70%
    Jewel of Ancient 1 Add level 1 ancient option to all items (e.g: Hyon Helm) 70%
    Jewel of Ancient 2 Add level 1 ancient option to all items (e.g: Vicious Helm) 70%
    Jewel of Full Add item level from +13 up to +15 70%

    Can be obtained through following:

      GM BOX
      GOLDEN BOX (Sealed Golden Box + Gold Key)
      SILVER BOX (Sealed Silver Box + Silver Key)
      DOPPLEGANGER EVENT (Interim box reward)

    Leveling and Reset spots

    Map Coor Monster
    Arena - Red Skeleton Knight

      Fast Reset Tips:

    • Create multiple accounts.

    • Join VIP Server.

    • Set MU Helper auto loot jewels.

    • Set your character for auto reset.

    • Use command: /reset auto

      • VIP accounts have higher experience rate.

    Game Boxes

    Box Monster Map Drop Drop Rate
    GM GIFT BOX Kundun, Erohim, Selupan, Nightmare, Balgass - Custom Jewels, Pets, Bundle Jewels, etc 100% Item drop
    Gold Box - - Custom Jewels 50% Item drop
    Silver Box - - Custom Jewels 50% Item drop
    Ribbon Boxes - - Excellent Items 100% Item drop
    Chaos Boxes Invasion Monsters LOT Seeds and Jewels 50% Item drop
    Celestial Box - NPC Quest Atlans S4 - Special Set 100% Item drop

    Blood Angel Items

    Item Monster Map Drop Rate
    Blood Angel Set Parts - Karutan 2 5%
    Blood Angel Weapons Kundun, Erohim & Balgass Lorencia, Kalima, Land of Trials & Crywolf event 50%

    MU Helper keywords

    Item Map Key word
    Blood Angel Set Parts LOT, BC, DS BloodA
    Sealed Golden & Silver Box Arena Sealed
    Gold Key Arena Gold Key
    Silver Key Arena Silver Key
    Suspicious Scrap of Paper - Suspicious
    Sign of Dimensions - imensions
    Jewel of Creation - Creation
    Gemstone Arena & Kanturu 1-2 Gemstone

    Blood Castle

    Gate NPC Map Coor Ticket Rewards
    Messenger of Archangel Devias Town 209, 29 & 219, 10 Cloak of Invisibility(Combined) or Blood Castle Ticket(X shop) WcoinC & Random Jewels

    Devil Square

    Gate NPC Map Coor Ticket Rewards
    Charon Noria Town 172, 105 Devil Square Invitation(Combined) or Devil Square Ticket(X shop) WcoinC

    Chaos Castle

    Gate NPC Map Coor Ticket Rewards
    - - - Armor of Guardsman (NPC) WcoinC & Random Jewels

    Imperial Guardian (Monday - Saturday)

    Gate NPC Map Coor Ticket Rewards
    Jerint the Assistant Devias 3 229, 220 Gaion's Order (Suspicious Scrap of Paper 5x) WcoinC

    Imperial Guardian (Sunday)

    Gate NPC Map Coor Ticket Rewards
    Jerint the Assistant Devias 3 229, 220 Complete Secromicon (Secromicon Fragment 1st to 6th) WcoinC


    Gate NPC Map Coor Ticket Rewards
    Lugard Elveland Town 50, 216 Dimensional Mirror (Sign of Dimensions 5x) WcoinC & Custom Jewels

    Custom Centaur Invasion

    Centaur Boss 01:00 PM Vulcanus 300,000 WcoinP

    Custom Kings Invasion

    Devias King 07:00 AM/PM Devias 50,000 WcoinC
    Lorencia King 07:30 AM/PM Lorencia 50,000 WcoinC
    Noria King 09:00 AM/PM Noria 50,000 WcoinC
    Elbeland King 09:30 AM/PM Elbeland 50,000 WcoinC
    Atlans King 11:00 AM/PM Atlans 50,000 WcoinC
    Icarus King 11:30 AM/PM Icarus 50,000 WcoinC

    Custom Kundun Invasion

    Kundun 01:30 AM/PM Kalima 50,000 WcoinC & Random Items

    Custom Monster Spot Invasion

    Monster Spot Invasion 03:00 PM (Sunday only) Devias (222, 86) 10 WcoinC per kill & drop random boxes
    Lorencia Miners Invasion Every 2 hours (Daily) Lorencia 2 WcoinC per kill

    PVP Events (Single)

    Blade Master PVP Monday,07:00PM 4 /move pvpbm 10000 WcoinC
    Dual Master PVP Tuesday,07:00PM 4 /move pvpdm 10000 WcoinC
    Fist Master PVP Tuesday,07:30PM 4 /move pvpfm 10000 WcoinC
    Grand Master PVP Wednesday,07:00PM 4 /move pvpgm 10000 WcoinC
    High Elf PVP Thursday,07:00PM 4 /move pvphe 10000 WcoinC
    Dimension Master PVP Thursday,07:30PM 4 /move pvpdm 10000 WcoinC
    Lord Emperor PVP Friday,07:00PM 4 /move pvple 10000 WcoinC
    SENTINEL ROYAL RUMBLE Saturday,07:00PM 4 /move pvpall 10000 WcoinC

    PVP Events (Team vs Team)

    To join just click the Stone statue npc located at Lorencia (130:121)

    TEAM vs TEAM Sunday,08:30PM 6 10000 WcoinC